Full List of Publications
Sebastián Gutiérrez 


Supervised theses
Theses committees
Thesis advisor
Six-year periods
Book chapters
Book editor
Journal papers
Conference proceedings



[T1] José Sebastián Gutiérrez Calderón, Estudio y Simulación de Imperfecciones en el Aislamiento de Cables Eléctricos Aislados de Alta Tensión (Study and Simulation of Imperfections in the Insulation of High Voltage Insulated Power Cables), PhD thesis by Tecnun - Escuela de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Navarra, Donostia-San Sebastián, 23th April 2012. 

Supervised theses

[ST1] -

Theses committees

[TC1] -

Thesis advisor

[G3] Nerea Arambarri Echeverria, "Análisis y optimización del diseño de un pórtico de altas prestaciones", Undergraduate Thesis Project / Proyecto Fin de Grado (PFG), July 2024.

[G2] Marcos Rudy Vásquez Soliz, "Diseño e Implementación de un Gemelo Digital para Robots en la Industria 4.0 utilizando un Software de Simulación y Programación Avanzado", Undergraduate Thesis Project / Proyecto Fin de Grado (PFG), January 2023.

[G1] Adriana González López, "Reuse de la Instalación Robotizada de Revestimientos de Pisos", Undergraduate Thesis Project / Proyecto Fin de Grado (PFG), July 2022.

[U11] Fernando del Caño Meseguer, "Automatic Identification of the Incoming Palletized Goods in the Reception Process", Graduate Thesis Project, Proyecto Fin de Máster (PFM), May 2024.

[U10] Alexandre Font Martí, "Automatización de procesos industriales para una nueva nave industrial", Graduate Thesis Project, Proyecto Fin de Máster (PFM), May 2024.

[U9] Sergio Valdés Irigoyen, "Aprendizaje Auto-Supervisado Aplicado a Tareas de Ensamblado durante el Proceso Productivo", Graduate Thesis Project, Proyecto Fin de Máster (PFM), March 2024.

[U8] Ernesto José Corea Falcó, "Implementación de Herramientas de Inteligencia de Negocios para el Control de Inventarios", Graduate Thesis Project, Proyecto Fin de Máster (PFM), June 2023.

[U7] Jorge Angulo Vázquez, "Zero Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) Digitalización de Laboratorio", Graduate Thesis Project, Proyecto Fin de Máster (PFM), December 2022.

[U6] Isidro Zavaleta Ochoa, "Sistema de Monitoreo para colmenas SIMAP-MX2020 basado en IoT-FIWARE", Master's degree in Embedded Systems, June 2020.

[U5] Guillermo Yamil Ramos Mayol, "Prototipo para reutilización de agua en baños domésticos: ahorros y análisis económico", Master's degree in Engineering, February 2020.

[U4] Ricardo Abel Espinosa Loera, "Un enfoque basado en la visión para la detección de caídas utilizando múltiples cámaras y Redes Neuronales Convolucionales: Un caso de estudio en UP-Fall Detection Data-set", Master of Science, December 2019.

[U3] Mari Kimi Kurata Hernández, "Desarrollo de un sistema IoT de lectura y monitoreo de energía en aplicación web para tarifas industriales de México", Master's degree in Engineering, August 2019.

[U2] Juan Guillermo Medina Medina, "Desarrollo Electrónico de Inversor para Aplicación en Sistemas Solares Fotovoltaicos", Master of Science, July 2018.

[U1] Carlos Alfonso Acero Juárez, "Sistema Domótico de Control de Persianas mediante Dispositivo Móvil con Comunicación Zigbee", Professional Master's degree, January 2017.

Six-year periods

[S1] 2014 - 2019  (ANECA, octubre, 2021)


[P1] Sistema que usa inteligencia artificial para la detección de sonidos (clicks) en arneses eléctricos para garantizar el correcto acoplamiento de conectores.
Solicitud en México: MX/a/2021/011861 presentada el 28/09/2021
Solicitud Internacional: PCT/IB2022/059207 presentada el 28/09/2022


[C1] Certificado de  Registro Público de Derecho de Autor ante el INDAUTOR del programa de cómputo denominado Intelligent Food Fry (IFF). Owner: Gutiérrez Calderón José Sebastián (con fundamento en el artículo 83 de la L. F. D. A.) Title: Intelligent Food Fry (IFF) Branch: Computer programs.

Book chapters

[Ch3] Gutiérrez (S.), Rocha (R.), Rendón (D.), Bernabé (J.L.), Aguilera (L.),  Solanki (V.K.), Tracking Greenhouses Farming Based on Internet of Technology, Further Advances in Internet of Things in Biomedical and Cyber Physical Systems. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol 193. Springer, Cham, 2021.

[Ch2] Espinosa (R.), Ponce (H.), Gutiérrez (S.), Martínez-Villaseñor (L.), Brieva (J.), Moya-Albor (E.), Application of Convolutional Neural Networks for Fall Detection Using Multiple Cameras, in Challenges and Trends in Multimodal Fall Detection for Healthcare, H. Ponce, L. Martínez-Villaseñor, J. Brieva, and E. Moya-Albor, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp. 97–120.

[Ch1] Rodrigo (P.), Gutiérrez (S.), Guerrero (L.A), Shading in High-Concentrator Photovoltaic Power Plants, in High Concentrator Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Engineering and Power Plants, P. Pérez-Higueras and E. F. Fernández, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 177–208. 

Book editor

[B1] Saroliya, A., Rana, A., Kumar, V., Gutiérrez (S.), Athithan, S., Internet of Things and Fog Computing-Enabled Solutions for Real-Life Challenges (1st ed.), CRC Press, 2022.

Journal papers

[J18] Ponce (H.), Gutiérrez (S.), Botero-Valencia (J.), Marquez-Viloria (D.), Castano-Londono (L.),  An intelligent climate monitoring system for hygrothermal virtual measurement in closed buildings using Internet-of-things and artificial hydrocarbon networks, Heliyon, vol. 10, 2024.

[J17] Luna (P.), Gutiérrez (S.), Ponce (H.), Geolocation system of fire monitoring station through Lorawan, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 16, No. 7, 2021.

[J16] Espinosa (R.), Ponce (H.), Gutiérrez (S.), Click-event sound detection in automotive industry using machine/deep learning, Applied Soft Computing, vol. 108, 2021.

[J15] Rodriguez (F.), Gutiérrez (S.), Reyes (B. A.), Rosas (V.), Silva Rubio (M. V.) , Mejía Rodríguez (A.), Marcelín Jiménez (R.), Hernández Olvera (F. J.), Sosa Hernández, (O.), IoMT: Rinku’s Clinical Kit Applied to Collect Information related to COVID-19 through Medical Sensors, IEEE Latin America Transactions, 19(6), 1002-1009, 2021.

[J14] Ponce (H.), Cevallos (P.), Espinosa (R.), Gutiérrez (S.), Estimation of Low Nutrients in Tomato Crops Through the Analysis of Leaf Images Using Machine Learning, Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Technology, 1(2), 131–137.

[J13] Rodrigo (P. M.), Gutiérrez (S.),  Micheli (L.), Fernández (E. F.), Almonacid (F. M.), Optimum cleaning schedule of photovoltaic systems based on levelised cost of energy and case study in central Mexico, Solar Energy, vol. 209, p.11-20, 2020.

[J12] Gutiérrez (S.), Rodrigo (P. M.), Alvares (J.), Acero (A.), Montoya (A.), Development and Testing of a Single-Axis Photovoltaic Sun Tracker through the Internet of Things, Energies 2020, 13, 2547.

[J11] Espinosa (R.), Ponce (H.), Gutiérrez (S.), Martínez-Villaseñor (L.), Brieva (J.), Moya-Albor (E.), A vision-based approach for fall detection using multiple cameras and convolutional neural networks: A case study using the UP-Fall detection dataset, Comput. Biol. Med., vol. 115, p. 103520, 2019.

[J10] (C. N.) Sánchez, Domínguez-Soberanes (J.) Escalona-Buendía (H. B.), Graff (M.), Gutiérrez (S.) and Sánchez (G.), Liking product landscape: Going deeper into understanding consumers’ hedonic evaluations, Foods, vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 1–16, 2019.

[J9] Enríquez-Zárate (J.), Abundis-Fong (H. F.), Velázquez (R.), Gutiérrez (S.), Passive vibration control in a civil structure: Experimental results, Meas. Control (United Kingdom), vol. 52, no. 7–8, pp. 938–946, 2019.

[J8] Rodríguez (J.L.),  Velázquez (R.),  Del-Valle-Soto (C.), Gutiérrez (S.), J. Varona (J.), Enríquez-Zarate (J.), Active and Passive Haptic Perception of Shape: Passive Haptics Can Support Navigation, Electronics, vol. 8, no. 3, p. 355, Mar. 2019.

[J7] Ibanez (F. M.),  Beizama Florez (A. M.), Gutierrez (S.) and  Echeverria (J.M.), Extending the autonomy of a battery for electric motorcycles, in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019.

[J6] Gutiérrez (S.) and Ponce (H.), An Intelligent Failure Detection on a Wireless Sensor Network for Indoor Climate Conditions, Sensors, vol. 19, no. 4, p. 854, Feb. 2019.

[J5] Amadi (H.N.), Gutiérrez (S.), Design and Performance Evaluation of a Dual-Axis Solar Tracking System for Rural Applications, European Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 3, no 1, 2019.

[J4] Ponce (H.) and Gutiérrez (S.), An indoor predicting climate conditions approach using Internet-of-Things and artificial hydrocarbon networks, Measurement, vol. 135, pp. 170–179, 2019.

[J3] Gutiérrez (S.) and  Rodrigo (P. M.), Energetic analysis of simplified 2-position and 3-position North-South horizontal single-axis sun tracking concepts, Sol. Energy, vol. 157, 2017.

[J2] Rodrigo (P.), Gutiérrez (S.), Velázquez (R.), Fernández (E.), Almonacid (F.), Pérez-Higueras (P.J.)., A methodology for the electrical characterization of shaded high concentrator photovoltaic modules, Energy, vol. 89, pp. 768–777, 2015.

[J1] Gutierrez (S.), Sancho (I.), Fontan (L.), De Nó (J.), Effect of protrusions in HVDC cables, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 19, Issue 5, pp. 1774-1781, October, 2012.

Conference proceedings

[C56] Galvez (M.), Gutierrez (S.), Soraliya (A.), A Novel Approach to Early Fire Detection in a Semi-Arid Zone Using Drones and Internet of Things, ICTACS 2023, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2023, pp. 1-6.

[C55] Idrisov (SI.), Veretennikov (I.), Vasilev (S.), Gutiérrez (S.), Ibanez (F.), Microgrid Digital Twin Application for Future Virtual Power Plants, IECON 2023- 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, Singapore, 2023, pp. 1-8.

[C54] Sasamoto (H.), Velázquez (R.), Gutiérrez (S.), Cardona (M.), Ghavifekr (A.), Visconti (P.), Modeling and Prototype Implementation of an Automated Guided Vehicle for Smart Factories, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applied Network Technologies (ICMLANT), Proc. 2021 IEEE Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. Appl. Netw. Technol. ICMLANT 2021, no. 252047, 2021.

[C53] Hernández (D.L.), Arias (J.), Villanueva (D.), Gutiérrez (S.), I. Zavaleta (I.), IoT system prototype based on LoRa and the Orion Context Broker data model of FIWARE, 2021 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), 2021 23rd IEEE Int. Autumn Meet. Power, Electron. Comput. ROPEC 2021, no. Ropec, 2021.

[C52] González (M.), Gilardi-Velázquez (H.E.), Gutiérrez (S.), Ruíz-Martínez (O.F.), Time Management of Modes of Operation for Survival of a Satellite Mission: Power Simulation in MATLAB and STK, IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 54, no 12, p. 74-79, 2021.

[C51] Gutiérrez (S.), Medina (G.), Ponce (H.), Espinosa (R.), Intelligent Management System for Micro-Grids using Internet-of-Things, 2021 IEEE Mexican Humanitarian Technology Conference (MHTC), 2021, pp. 13-18.

[C50] Pérez (E.), González (M.), Cienfuegos (C.), Chávez (E.), Ruíz (D.), Pinto (J.), Gutiérrez (S.), Marco Garcia (M.), Design of an Electric Vehicle Accumulator with LiFePO4 Batteries for Green Transportation, 2021 IEEE Mexican Humanitarian Technology Conference (MHTC), 2021, pp. 31-37.

[C49] Portillo (M.), Pedroza (M.), Ramírez (D.), García (M.), Gutiérrez (S.), Design of an Eco-Friendly Insulated Solar Stove for Rural Areas in Mexico and Guatemala, 2021 IEEE Mexican Humanitarian Technology Conference (MHTC), 2021, pp. 79-85.

[C48] Ascencio (H.), Peña (C.), Vásquez (K.), Cardona (M.), Gutiérrez (S.), Automatic Multiple Choice Test Grader using Computer Vision, 2021 IEEE Mexican Humanitarian Technology Conference (MHTC), 2021, pp. 65-72.

[C47] Delgado (L.), Alvarez (S.), Gutiérrez (S.), Ponce (H.), Mechatronics Teaching through Virtual Platforms for Home Confinement due to COVID-19, 2020 International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering (ICMEAE), Cuernavaca, Mexico, 2020, pp. 180-185.

[C46] Durón (J.C.), Gutiérrez (S.), Cardona (M.), Solanki (V.K.), Street Lamp Monitoring Using IoT Based on Node-Red, Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1254. Springer, Singapore.

[C45] Gutiérrez (S.) et al., Different Platforms Using Internet of Things for Monitoring and Control Temperature, Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1254. Springer, Singapore.

[C44] Cardona (M.), Marroquín (D.), Salazar (B.), Gómez (I.), Gutiérrez (S.), Explosive Gas Detection and Alert System Using Internet of Things, Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1254. Springer, Singapore.

[C43] Romo (J.E.), Gutiérrez (S.), Rodrigo (P.M.), Cardona (M.), Solanki (V.K.),  Smarter Pills: Low-Cost Embedded Device to Elders, Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1254. Springer, Singapore.

[C42] del Muro (S.), Delgado (L.D.), Gutiérrez (S.), Mechatronics Class through Virtual Platforms under COVID-19, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Engineering Veracruz (ICEV), Boca del Rio, Veracruz, Mexico, 2020, pp. 1-5.

[C41] Gutiérrez (S.), Ponce (H.), Espinosa (R.), An Intelligent Water Consumption Prediction System based on Internet of Things, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Engineering Veracruz (ICEV), Boca del Río, Veracruz, 2020, pp. 1-6.

[C40] Alvarez (L.F.),  González (S)., López (A.), Delgado (D.), Espinosa(R.), Gutiérrez (S.), Renewable EnergyPrediction through Machine Learning Algorithms, 2020 IEEE ANDESCON, Quito, 2020, pp. 1-6.

[C39] Ramos Incháustegui (C. I.), Rodríguez (F.), Gutiérrez (S.), Development andTesting of Gateway LoRa for Cloudino IoT Open Source Platform, 2020 IEEE ANDESCON, Quito, 2020, pp. 1-5.

[C38] Cardona (M.), Garzón-Castro (C. L. ), Gutiérrez (S.), Kinematics Solution of the RV-3SB Robot Using Successive Screws, 2020 IEEE ANDESCON, Quito, 2020, pp. 1-6.

[C37] Luna (P.),  Gutiérrez (S.), Espinosa (R.), Design and Implementation of a Node Geolocation System for Fire Monitoring through LoRaWAN, 2020 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), Ixtapa, Mexico, 2020, pp. 1-6.

[C36] Hernandez (F.D.), Ibanez (F.), Gutierrez (S.), Martinez (W.), Improvements on signal-to-noise ratio in feedback measurement in DC/DC converters, in 2020 22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2020 ECCE Europe, 2020, pp. 1–10.

[C35] Espinosa (R.), Ponce (H.), Gutiérrez (S.), Hernández (E.), Click Event Sound Detection Using Machine Learning in Automotive Industry, vol. 12468 LNAI. 2020.

[C34] Gutiérrez (S.), Martínez (I.), Varona (J.), Cardona (M.), Espinosa (R.), Smart Mobile LoRa Agriculture System based on Internet of Things, 2019 IEEE 39th Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXIX), Guatemala City, Guatemala, 2019, pp. 1-6.

[C33] Gutiérrez (S.), Islas (L.), Ibanez (F. M.), Cardona (M.), Calzada (J.),  Solanki (V. K.), Wireless Ammeter Based on ZigBee for Continuous Monitoring of Induction Motors, 2019 IEEE 39th Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXIX), Guatemala City, Guatemala, 2019, pp. 1-6.

[C32] Cardona (M.), Romo (V. H.), Gutiérrez (S.), Rodrigo (P. M.), Ponce (H.), Kumar (R.), Wireless Temperature Monitoring System through IoT for Domestic Solar Water Heaters, 2019 IEEE 39th Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXIX), Guatemala City, Guatemala, 2019, pp. 1-4.

[C31] Gutiérrez (S.), Contreras (G.), Ponce (H.), Cardona (M.), Amadi (H.), Enríquez-Zarate (J.), Development of Hen Eggs Smart Incubator for Hatching System Based on Internet of Things, 2019 IEEE 39th Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXIX), Guatemala City, Guatemala, 2019, pp. 1-5.

[C30] Ibanez (F.M.), Ahmed (T.), Idrisov (I.), Gutierrez (S.), An Impedance Based Modeling Towards the Aging Prediction of Lithium-Ion Battery for EV Applications, 2019 8th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), Brasov, Romania, 2019, pp. 146-151.

[C29] Lara (J. C.), Gutiérrez (S.), Rodríguez (F.), Low Cost Greenhouse Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things, in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering Veracruz (ICEV), 2019, vol. I, pp. 1–6.

[C28] Durón (J.I.), Gutiérrez (S.), Rodríguez (F.), Mobile Positioning for IoT-based Bus Location System Using LoRaWAN, in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering Veracruz (ICEV), 2019, vol. I, pp. 1–7.

[C27] Ochoa (I.), Gutiérrez (S.), Rodríguez (F.), Internet of Things: Low Cost Monitoring BeeHive System using Wireless Sensor Network, in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering Veracruz (ICEV), 2019, vol. I, pp. 1–7.

[C26] Islas (L.), Gutiérrez (S.) and Rodríguez (F.), Wireless Sensor Network Prototype to Monitor the Condition of Holding Furnaces in the Aluminum Casting Plant, in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering Veracruz (ICEV), 2019, vol. I, pp. 1–8.

[C25] Estrada (E.), Moreno (M.), Martin (K.), Mever (A. L.), Rodrigo (P. M.), Gutiérrez (S.), Low Cost CO Detector Integrated with IoT, in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering Veracruz (ICEV), 2019, vol. I, pp. 1–4.

[C24]  Álvarez (V.M.), Domínguez-Soberanes (J.), Sánchez (C.N.), Gutiérrez (S.), López (B.), Quiroz (R.), Mendoza (D.E.), Buendía (H.E.), Velázquez (R.), Consumer Acceptances Through Facial Expressions of Encapsulated Flavors Based on a Nanotechnology Approach, 2018 Nanotechnology for Instrumentation and Measurement (NANOfIM), Mexico City, Mexico, 2018, pp. 1-5.

[C23] Gutiérrez (E.), Gutiérrez (S.),  Becerril (J. A.), Rodríguez (F.), Low Cost Prototype for Monitoring and Remote Control in Greenhouse for Homes, 2018 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), Ixtapa, Mexico, 2018, pp. 1-5.

[C22] Gutiérrez (S.), Barrientos (E.), Alvarez (J.), Cardona (M.), An Integrated Architecture for Monitoring and Control the Temperature of Different Platforms Based on Internet of Things, 2018 IEEE 38th Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXVIII), San Salvador, El Salvador, 2018.

[C21] Alvarez (V.M.), Sánchez (C.N.), Gutiérrez (S.), Domínguez-Soberanes (J.), Velázquez (R.), Facial Emotion Recognition: A Comparison of Different Landmark-Based Classifiers, In 2018 International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering (RICE), San Salvador, El Salvador, 2018.

[C20] Gutiérrez (S.), Acero (C.), Rodrigo (P.M.), Domotic Control System for Blinds with Zigbee Communication Mobile Device, In 2018 International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering (RICE), San Salvador, El Salvador, 2018.

[C19] Sánchez (C.N.), Gutiérrez (S.), Domínguez-Soberanes (J.), Graff (M.), Landscape Images distance using Kullback Leibler divergence, In 2018 International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering (RICE), San Salvador, El Salvador, 2018.

[C18] Alvarez (V.M.), Velázquez (R.), Gutiérrez (S.), Rodrigo, (P. M.), Enriquez-Zarate (J.), A Method for Facial Emotion Recognition Based on Interest Points, In 2018 International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering (RICE), San Salvador, El Salvador, 2018.

[C17] Alvarez (J.), Acero (A.), Gutiérrez (S.), Rodrigo, (P. M.), Lay-Ekuakille (A.), A Low Cost Presence Detection System for Smart Homes, In 2018 International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering (RICE), San Salvador, El Salvador, 2018.

[C16] Gutiérrez (S.), Alvarez (J.), Velázquez (R.), Lay-Ekuakille (A.), Use of automated blinds in smart buildings for energy savings: A mexican case, IEEE 37th Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXVll ), Managua, Nicaragua, 2017.

[C15] Sánchez-Gutiérrez (G), Domínguez-Soberanes (J.), Rodríguez-Serrano (G), Escalona-Buendía (H), Sánchez (C.N.), Gutiérrez (S.), Graff (M), Selecting Crackling Product Based on Sensory Analysis by different Statistical Data Approaches, IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), Ixtapa, Mexico, 2017.

[C14] Gutiérrez (S.), Sánchez (C.N.), Alvarez (J), Domínguez-Soberanes (J.), A comparative analysis of finite element programs for their implementation in a graphic tool of insulated power cables, IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), Ixtapa, Mexico, 2017.

[C13] Gutiérrez (S.), Velázquez (R), Alvarez (J), Review of system controller for smart homes/building applications. 7th IMEKO TC19 Symposium on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements, EnvIMEKO 2017, Vol. 2017, pp. 104–108, Augus, 2017.

[C12] Ponce (H), Gutiérrez (S.), Montoya, (A), Predicting climate conditions using Internet-ofThings and artificial hydrocarbon networks. 7th IMEKO TC19 Symposium on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements, EnvIMEKO 2017, Vol. 2017, pp. 62–66, Augus, 2017.

[C11] Ramos-Mayol, Y., Ruíz-Esparza, A., Gutiérrez (S.), Rodrigo, (P. M.) Prototype for water reuse in house showers: Savings and economics. 7th IMEKO TC19 Symposium on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements, EnvIMEKO 2017, Vol. 2017, pp. 56–61, Augus, 2017.

[C10] Gutiérrez (S.), Prototype for an off-grid photovoltaic system with low cost solar tracking, IEEE Mexican Humanitarian Technology Conference, Puebla, Mexico, 2017.

[C9] Gutiérrez (S.), Velázquez (R.), A Portable Tactile Display Based on Pin Lateral Traction, IEEE Mexican Humanitarian Technology Conference, Puebla, Mexico, 2017.

[C8] José Sebastián Gutiérrez Calderón, Pedro Manuel Rodrigo Cruz, Prototipo de sistema fotovoltaico con seguimiento solar de bajo costo, SENIE 2016.

[C7] Pedro Manuel Rodrigo Cruz, José Sebastián Gutiérrez Calderón, Arturo de la Torre Infante, Optimización de un prototipo de sistema fotovoltaico autónomo para iluminación de anuncios espectaculares, SENIE 2015.

[C6] Gutierrez (S.), Sancho (I.), Fontan (L.), Martinez-Iturralde (M.), Influence of Irregularities within Electric Fields in High Voltage Cables, 2011 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP, Cancun, Mexico, October, 2011

[C5] Gutierrez (S.), Sancho (I.), Fontan (L.), Influence of Voids within Electric Fields in HVDC cables, 8 th International Conference on Insulated Power Cables, JICABLE '11, Versalles, France, June, 2011

[C4] Gutierrez (S.), Sancho (I.), Fontan (L.), 2D and 3D finite elements analysis to identify the influence of cylindrical voids in power cables, AFRICON '09 IEEE, Nairobi, Kenya, 2009

[C3] Velázquez (R.), Gutiérrez (S.), New Test Structure for Tactile Display using Laterally Driven Tactors, 2008 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada, 2008

[C2] Gutiérrez (S.), Velázquez (R.), Gutheim (D.), Martínez (J.S.) y Martínez (M.L.), Optimización de Dispositivos Táctiles con Actuadores de Movimiento Lateral y su Evaluación en Transmisión de Información, 13° Simposio de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico, Aguascalientes, México, 2007

[C1] Gutiérrez (S.), Velázquez (R.), Lateral Motion Pin Device for Tactile Communication: An Approach with DC Mini-Motors, 2006 Multiconference on Electronics and Photonics, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2006.